On Thu, Jul 2, 2009 at 1:22 AM, Carl-Daniel Hailfingerc-d.hailfinger.devel.2006@gmx.net wrote:
Hi Jakob,
no offense intended, but getpir recently got an update which caused it to print incorrect file headers. The irq_table.c snippet below looks like you used that getpir version and followed the instructions, so I won't blame you. I didn't yet have time (and energy) to revert that change to getpir.
If you got irq_table.c by running getpir, it is most likely not under the GPL and also not your copyright. It might be possible that the results of getpir can be classified as non-copyrightable data, but even then applying the GPL to data someone else created feels wrong. For now, I have to ask you to rerun getpir from revision 4295 which has somewhat different output without bogus license information. Thanks.
Here are the new results from getpir.
Cheers Jakob.