I am looking for a fanless mini-pc for running Debian and would like, if possible, to run 100% free software on it.
So I followed all the OK links in the v4 section of http://www.coreboot.org/Supported_Motherboards and read the support tables and only found 2: http://www.coreboot.org/Avalue_EAX_785E http://www.coreboot.org/GIGABYTE_GA-M57SLI-S4 that are actually close to being fully tested and supported.
Now I am surprised about the claim on the main page that coreboot supports "over 230 different mainboards". That seems to be false...? I do not mean to insult, and acknowledge coreboot's accomplishments regardless.
Anyway, is there any recommendation for a mini-itx for desktop use? I would like something fully supported by Linux, and perhaps which could run coreboot also; at least would like to put money on a supportive vendor.