Hello all, In preparation for the upcoming 4.21 release and the planned update from master to main, we are abandoning all patches that haven't been updated in the past year.
This list can be seen via a gerrit search: repo:coreboot status:open before:2022-08-07
I've also documents of all the patches that would be abandoned as of today: - https://pads.ccc.de/TL72QP43Pg - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1V8X63frTLGN4hvA2maJYp0zmipJqAXVG0nWo...
To prevent a patch from being abandoned, any change in gerrit will refresh the activity date and remove it from the list. Feel free to go through the list and refresh any patches which are still relevant.
After the patches are abandoned, they can still be brought back and the review continued at any time. This is merely cleaning up the list of active patches.
The list will be refreshed on Monday, August 7th, and any patches still on the list at that point will be moved to the abandoned state.
-- Martin Roth