"Adam Talbot" talbotx@comcast.net writes:
A morse code decoder for decoding "Audio console". Wow, our geek is hanging out! :-) if some one have that much spair time... But for now, one or two simple beeps would make me VERY happy. As far a POST card, I do not have one... Yet. What POST card have your guys had good luck with (PCI)?
I keep having problems with not having a 5V 32bit PCI slot or an ISA slot... But in any case the llshell.inc should do the trick just include it and call it very early on. And the first thing it does when called is beep.
From romcc the calling convention would look something like:
asm( "movl $1f, %esp\n\t" "jmp low_level_shell\n\t" "1:\n\t" );
Of course you won't come back unless you have your serial console working...