Hi Ronald,
On Mon, Mar 10, 2008 at 09:05:39AM +0100, Ronald Hoogenboom wrote:
I've prepared a patch for r3129 WITH the definition of the static function..
This patch allows direct out-of-SPI-flash boot of a Linux kernel. It circumvents the 512KB limitation in the IT8716f superio of memory mapping an SPI flash device by using a PIO method for reading the data. Limitation: no nrv2b support.
Signed-off-by: Ronald Hoogenboom hoogenboom30@zonnet.nl
I've tested this on real hardware. It works - I can boot a 1MB image from a 2MB spi/soic chip, whereas without the patch the system does not boot with an image > 512KB. As far as I'm concerned:
Acked-by: Ward Vandewege ward@gnu.org
Let's see if we can get another ack before we commit though.
Thanks, Ward.