My name is Advai Podduturi and I’m reaching out on behalf of the HackIllinois Outreach team. HackIllinois is a 36-hour collegiate Open Source hackathon that takes place annually at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. This year, it will be from February 28th - March 1st, 2020. Our mission is to introduce college students to Open Source, while giving back to the community. We strive to create a collaborative environment in which our attendees can learn from and work with developers to make their own contributions. In past years, we’ve had developers from prominent projects such as npm, Rust, and Apache come to mentor students from our pool of 900+ attendees.
We’d love it if you could pass along this message to the coreboot community or any individuals you believe would be interested. We will provide meals throughout the event and can reimburse for travel and lodging up to a certain amount depending on where in the US people are coming from. More information on mentorship can be found at hackillinois.org/mentor http://ec2-52-26-194-35.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com/x/d?c=6287904&l=b31e1aac-18f1-4838-9807-be4512695374&r=fbce4a56-8137-4aca-9210-5acfa4204a6c. You can also visit opensource.hackillinois.org http://ec2-52-26-194-35.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com/x/d?c=6287904&l=360f864b-6d21-4504-b263-7e983af2e5e0&r=fbce4a56-8137-4aca-9210-5acfa4204a6c to see what kinds of projects were represented at our event last year.
Sincerely, Advai Podduturi