Issue #432 has been updated by Angel Pons.
File osboot_t440p_ifd_bin_is_also_borked.log added
Yes, it's definitely an osboot problem... Please report the issue to osboot folks, and point them to this ticket.
After grabbing the T440p IFD.bin that osboot uses and using `util/ifdtool`'s `-d` option on it (after manually padding to 12 MiB; you can just use the osboot image you built), it's clear why coreboot thinks the flash chip is much larger...
``` Component 2 Density: 32MB Component 1 Density: 8MB ```
Component 2 Density should be "4MB" (technically, 4 MiB) instead. No clue where the IFD.bin that osboot uses comes from, but it's broken. See attached log for the complete `ifdtool -d` output.
---------------------------------------- Bug #432: t440p reboots on suspend
* Author: Josh R * Status: Response Needed * Priority: Normal * Target version: none * Start date: 2022-10-21 * Affected versions: 4.15 * Related links:
* Affected hardware: Lenovo ThinkPad T440p * Affected OS: Ubuntu 22.04 (Pop OS) ---------------------------------------- Per request, adding new ticket for an issue with my t440p where attempting to resume on suspend results in a reboot (or at least, not resuming from DRAM).
My t440p already has coreboot installed (via osbmk). Following instructions from issue #412, I have attempted the following:
`sudo flashrom -p internal --ifd -i bios -w the_full_12MiB_osbmk.rom --noverify-all`
...but that did not seem to do the trick (still "restarts" without resuming from RAM).
Note that I am using the "full" 12MB osbmk rom (not split by 4MiB and 8MiB, as that seemed intended for the hardware flashing instructions).
coreboot version looks like 4.15.204, and flashrom version 1.2-640.
If it helps, attached cbmem -1 output with a "normal boot" followed by a later resume from suspend (that resulted in a restart).
Thanks in advance. I guess you don't realize how much you use suspend until it doesn't work anymore :)
---Files-------------------------------- cbmem.20221019195923.normal_boot.log (36.2 KB) cbmem.20221019200724.from_suspend.log (36.3 KB) osboot_t440p_ifd_bin_is_also_borked.log (10.2 KB)