On Thu, Jul 12, 2007 at 09:27:49AM -0600, Jordan Crouse wrote:
I agree. That's why lar should know about flash chip sector sizes.
This is probably best - lar is best suited for doing the math and making sure that the blobs are written out in the right format. Somewhat safer then making flashrom rearrange the bits later.
I agree. But..
I'm thinking that we could probably get away with someting simple like a -S <sector size> option, and LAR would would arrange the archive correctly, and then write the sector size along with the total ROM size in the "bootblock header".
..flash doesn't always have uniform sector sizes. E.g. SST49LF080A http://www.sst.com/downloads/datasheet/S71235.pdf which has 16*4kb at the bottom and 15*64kb for the rest. It would be nice to be able to use those 16*4kb sectors for different things and not always need to treat them as a single 64kb sector. -S is a great start though.
And/or flashrom about larballs.
flashrom should at the very least know how to read a lar and make sure it is sane. If we include the sector size from above, then flashrom could do some very basic sanity checking before starting.
The real fun begins when larball has one sector size and flash chip another, and we only want to replace a single larfile.