Questions/issues thus far:
- IRQ questions. I got the error about copying the IRQ table, and I
know I can fix this by using an uncompressed image. But that leaves me with a few questions:
After enabling read/write/cache for BC_XMAP_2 and BC_XMAP_3 in under src/cpu/amd/model_gx1 the irq_table is copied and verified well.
You should set both to 0x33333333 or 0x77777777 to try this
a) Does using an uncompressed LB image preclude having a failsafe image, due to uncompressed image size? Not a problem for me, just curious. b) How can I create an IRQ map for this system, or do I not worry about it? This machine was built to only run WinCE, so I can't take the stock BIOS, boot Linux, and do any investigating.
- When initializing the IDE on the CS5530, LB reports "missing
enable_resources", even though a few lines prior, it looks like it assigns the proper I/O range for IDE. What does this mean? (See attached LB output.)
Sorry no answer for that :(
- I have several uses in mind for these boards, if I can get more of
them. Some uses would involve using the audio and VGA, both of which I know are problematic. I think the VGA part I can do, but what about
Read the allwell stb3036 threads, I run in several problems to get the vga working :D
audio? Is "VSA" required to initialize the audio? I guess what I'm wondering is, what's the minimum LB has to do before Linux can see (and use) the audio. FWIW, this board has an NS LM4548 audio chip, which I
You should set first the audio device to "on" in the under src/mainboard/eaglelion/5bcm
I have the same NS audio companion chip on my board, but not test this yet.
assume is a support chip for the XpressAudio? Or better, maybe DTRI decided to scrap XpressAudio and this chip is standalone... that would make me happy. :-)
Sorry, but the datasheets says that the NS LM4548 is a companion for the internal cs5530 audio stuff. Therefor I think that thing is not standalone. However, Linux detects this devices as Kalhua Audio. I will test it in the next days.