Issue #460 has been updated by akjuxr3 akjuxr3.
The xNx naming scheme also doesn't work in the general case.
I know. In x4x the best example is the Intel X48 chipset. Its not supported by coreboot. Reason for not supporting it is that its completely different generation. Its x3x-generation (X38) renamed and tuned by intel. But still collide into the x4x coreboot naming. But my point is, that naming x4x like its named is better, then if it were named for example c2d (for core 2 duo) or c2q (for core 2 quad). You can stick your socket 771 hardwaremodded intel xeon (the CPU) in this boards without any modification to the x4x board. Also different generations of cpu codenames work with the x4x codebase.
There's also chipsets that share an architecture (and thus share a codebase) but do not share the naming scheme, such as Q77 and C216 chipsets. Both of these are Panther Point chipsets but the x7x naming scheme does not capture this.
Yes, you are correct. Thanks for mentioning this.
otherwise we would need to resort to absurdly long names that accurately captures everything or duplicate code by forcing separate directories to be created for parts with incompatible names but otherwise compatible code.
My point was not about the naming-lenght. It is about naming it about something that is not a general part of the thing the code is written for.
Yes, it makes things more confusing to navigate using the folder structure but I think that's already been accepted as a reality given the naming of the chipset directories and usage of the variant scheme for mainboards.
My point is not about the simplicity of navigation in the folders. It was about naming it about something that is not a general hardwarepart(cpu) of the thing the code is written for(the mainboard).
It's actually quite simple to put an accurate name on it: Use something that is soldered to the mainboard. In case of platform code that supports multiple chipsets, it's usually the CPU socket that they have in common. lga1155 should work here and similar names are used already in the tree.
Perfect! This also include the C216 chipsets. The coreboot codebase is then in general understandable (not naming it after parts (CPUs) that are not part of the hardwareproduct the code is written for) again like it is in x4x and like its wished its combined in one directory. Then it would be nice and consistent when
could be renamed to src/mainboard/dell/lga1155_workstations
---------------------------------------- Refactoring #460: Make mainboards using the variant concept
* Author: Felix Singer * Status: New * Priority: Normal * Target version: none * Start date: 2023-02-14 ---------------------------------------- * asrock/ivybridge * asrock/b75pro3-m * asrock/h77pro4-m
* asrock/haswell * asrock/b85m_pro4 * asrock/h81m-hds