* jean raymond jeanraymond19769earrond@hotmail.com [061102 07:53]:
I tried filo 0.4 from openbios.org, which was able to ide boot but hangs on usb boot with this:
Interesting... There is no filo 0.4 on openbios.org ;-) Only 0.5...
n_type: 00000001 n_name(8): ELFBoot n_desc(10): Etherboot n_type: 00000002 n_name(8): ELFBoot n_desc(6): 5.4.2 Loading Etherboot version: 5.4.2
So you are using etherboot from etherboot.org?
Yinghai, can you help?
Boot from (N)etwork (D)isk or (Q)uit? D
FILO version 0.4.1 (root@frlanzf00595) Tue Oct 31 17:00:24 CET 2006 Press <Enter> for default boot, or <Esc> for boot prompt... boot: uda1:/bzImage root=/dev/sda2 console=tty0 console=ttyS0,115200 dev=uda1, path=/bzImage name = uda1, type = 3, drive = 0, part = 1, offset = 0x00000000, length = 0x00000000 LinuxLabs USB bootloader Resetting UHCI uhc_init setting framelist to: 000101b0 Starting UHCI HCI at 000030c0 Resetting UHCI uhc_init setting framelist to: 000101b0 Starting UHCI HCI at 000030e0 frame_list is at bffede50 frame_list_link: addr: fffefe50 frame_list_link: raw addr: 00000800 frame_list_link: terminate: 00000000 frame_list_link: queue: 00000000 frame_list_link: depth: 00000000 frame_list is at bffebe50 frame_list_link: addr: ffff0650 frame_list_link: raw addr: 00000040 frame_list_link: terminate: 00000000 frame_list_link: queue: 00000000 frame_list_link: depth: 00000000 New USB device, setting address 2 port = 0x000030d0 controller =0x00000000 lowspeed = 0 next_usb_dev = 0x00000003 addr = 0x00000002 uhci_control_msg: request_type = 00000000 request = 00000005 wLength=0 ctrl_msg( 00000000, 00000000, 00000005, 00000002, 00000000, 00000000, p) 0 bytes in payload lowspeed = u HCI at 000030c0 failed_transaction: TD(0002e5a0): failed_transaction: type: SETUP failed_transaction: retries: 00000003 failed_transaction: IOC failed_transaction: active: 00000001 failed_transaction: device_addr: 00000000 failed_transaction: endpoint: 00000000 failed_transaction: data_toggle: 00000000 failed_transaction: max_transfer: 00000007 failed_transaction: actual: 00000000 failed_transaction: link: failed_transaction: addr: 0002e5c0 failed_transaction: raw addr: 0003e770 failed_transaction: terminate: 00000000 failed_transaction: queue: 00000000 failed_transaction: depth: 00000000 failed_transaction: TD(0002e5c0): failed_transaction: type: IN failed_transaction: retries: 00000000 failed_transaction: active: 00000001 failed_transaction: device_addr: 00000000 failed_transaction: endpoint: 00000000 failed_transaction: data_toggle: 00000001 failed_transaction: max_transfer: 000007ff failed_transaction: actual: 00000000 failed_transaction: link: failed_transaction: addr: fffefe50 failed_transaction: raw addr: 00000000 failed_transaction: terminate: 00000001 failed_transaction: queue: 00000000 failed_transaction: depth: 00000000 configure_device: set_address failed! value = 0x00001080 poll_usb 1 hc_type[1] = 00000000
There is a USB device, but it won't init! This is a bad thing.
failed to open usb boot: uda1:/bzImage root=/dev/sda2 console=tty0 console=ttyS0,115200
What board are you using, what LinuxBIOS revision,...?
Now, how can etherboot-filo be fixed to boot at all? And, how can filo 0.5 be fixed to boot USB?
What's the error you are seeing with filo 0.5?