to clarify. He's been working on getting ADLO running on EPIA-M.
He's been pretty succesfull so far.
Using serial console he's got both lilo and linux to boot using ADLO, so that you can use them pretty much "out of box" as long as you don't need video. However from what I heard you can get video once boot is done and you run some video program (TinyX Xvesa here).
As far as video goes, on cold-reboot he's getting :
Then, screen is blinkering with various color, but I can't see any text.
As far as video goes, on warm-reboot (after booting with original PC BIOS) he's getting :
If I first booted from original bios and reset with linuxbios + adlo, I can see text messages of original bios remained.
ideas on how to attack the issue?
Overall I would say that anyone who want to try get ADLO to work should start with serial console and leave VIDEO to the end given difficulty debugging binary-only module.
Another good idea is to try warm-boot from PC BIOS into ADLO at beginning of development/work on ADLO. It leaves you with somewhat functioning video-bios (or fully-functioning as it was for me).
On Sun, 20 Apr 2003 wrote:
I made a patch which make all bochs debug message can be seen from serial terminal. I think it might be useful if you want to apply ADLO to your own target.
you can apply this patch againt util/ADLO/bochs/bios/rombios.c by # patch -p0 < rombios-serial.patch