At 11:03 AM 10/7/02 +0800, you wrote:
On Fri, 2002-10-04 at 05:36, Yves Godin wrote:
At 01:24 PM 10/3/02 -0500, you wrote:
Yves Godin wrote:
Anyway, with the UDMA mode 2 I should have the performance that I
need. I
look on header of the ide connector and the burst when writing seems to be quick anough but between each of these bursts I have a hole of 5-6
How are you looking at the ide header? Logic Analyzer, scope?? If so, are you saying that the dma burst timing looks good but you are getting
of 5 -6 seconds between bursts?
I`am looking the DRQ signal on th ide header with a scope. Now I'm getting pauses of 2-3 seconds in writing. It`s weird because I don`t observe this on a P133 which is slower that the SIS550 and the read seems ok.
What boad and chipset revision are you using ??
To evaluate the SIS550 , I'am using a board from ICOP, the ICOP-6070.
... ... SIS5513: IDE controller on PCI bus 00 dev 01 SIS5513: chipset revision 208 ...
The SIS550 is running at 167 MHz.
By using a smaller partion of type ext2 instead of ext3, a succeed to have peaks at 10 MB/s (locally) in writing with block size of 100 KBytes. I don't know if it's the smaller partition or the ext2 partition that help me. On the bigger ext3 partition, the max I got was 7 MB/s (locally).
Can you contact our marketing/technical support ??
I certainly will, but first I need to know what performance I can expected from the SIS550. I`m in a rush now, I need to determine this week if the SIS550 will be able to sustain 10 MB/s in seconds in NFS writing.
You are probably the best person to ask, what is the performance that I can expected from the SIS550 ? The 550 is our prefered choice, but if it not performant anough, we will go with the VIA C3 with a PLE133T.
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