* Christian Sühs chris@suehsi.de [060516 14:39]:
I have created my own irq_tables.c file with getpir.
pirq tables of factory bios are very often incomplete or wrong. One reason is that pirq and mptable are not used by the OS when ACPI is active. (Well, talking Linux) So this is an untested (and usually unused) path.
But there are the same problems as with the old eaglelion/5bcm one. The only device which gets an irq is a PCI Network card.
The onboard devices (VGA; USB; Audio) gets IRQ 0 under linux. Is that normal ?
USB should get an IRQ, audio as well, probably. Don't think you need one for VGA? What does your factory bios say?
Is it possible to assign IRQs with the Config.lb file like the superIO devices?
Nope. you have to write support in form of mptable, pirq or ACPI to get this working.