On Thu, Jul 03, 2003 at 08:56:02AM +0000, elife elife wrote:
Hi, I have boot linux succ with linuxbios/serial console in my epia-m. Now I would like add VGA support. I try testbios, but it report "int15 encountered". What should I do? Or there are other methods to let linux's tty0 works?
To run VGABIOS inside LinuxBIOS, try config options like below, it is successfully used to boot EPIA (non-M). I don't know about EPIA-M.
option CONFIG_VGABIOS=1 option CONFIG_REALMODE_IDT=1 dir src/bioscall option CONFIG_PCIBIOS=1 option VGABIOS_START=0xfffe0000 addaction romimage dd if=../vgabios.bin of=romimage bs=65536 seek=2 conv=sync conv=notrunc
-- Takeshi