Hi folks,
I have looked at a number of pages on the Coreboot wiki, though not all of them.
None of the pages I have looked at mentioned the license (if any) under which their content is available.
My understanding is that means that much (maybe all) of the documentation in the Coreboot wiki is proprietary (at least, in the overwhelming majority of jurisdictions). IANAL, though.
If my understanding is incorrect, please could you point me towards information that should correct it?
Alternatively, it would be great if Coreboot could license the documentation in the wiki under one or more free culture licenses: https://freedomdefined.org/Licenses
Ideally, Coreboot would dual-license the content under the GFDL and CC BY-SA 3.0, making the content entirely license compatible with content from Wikipedia and from the Stack Exchange network of websites.