when boot from factory BIOS, cat /proc/cmdline output this: ro root=LABEL=/ debug console=ttyS0,115200n8
I removed ro from the line, it still have the same issue. I made up the filo linux boot line by look at the grub.conf file in this Linux install. I don't know, I'm not a expert on this. but the "ro" maybe means mount the randisk image readonly, not the root file system?
Come back to my question, does LinuxBIOS actually setup IDE interface. I know it enables IDE from Chipset level, but does it actully program the IDE interface, for example using port 1F0, 170 and etc.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Carl-Daniel Hailfinger" c-d.hailfinger.devel.2006@gmx.net To: "Beneo" beneo@comcast.net Cc: "ST" st@iss.tu-darmstadt.de; linuxbios@linuxbios.org Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2007 2:46 PM Subject: Re: [LinuxBIOS] IDE become readonly, why?
On 05.04.2007 23:41, Beneo wrote:
I used a parameter at filo like this:
hda1:/vmlinuz-2.4.20-8smp initrd=hda1:/initrd-2.4.20-8smp.img ro root=/dev/hda3 debug console=tty0 console=ttyS0,115200
Remove "ro". "ro" means readonly.
Regards, Carl-Daniel -- http://www.hailfinger.org/
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