On Fri, 9 May 2008 21:09:20 +0200, Patrick Georgi patrick@georgi-clan.de wrote:
Am Fri, 09 May 2008 10:51:01 -0400 schrieb Joseph Smith joe@settoplinux.org:
Yes, I think that would work out fine. What kind of effort would it take for "the (memdisk)/grub.cfg look up the available devices and search for grub.cfg files there, passing control to them" ?? I think this would kind of neat, almost like looking for the boot/partition table on the mbr of each drive.
a crude variant of it would be adding the "search" module, then having a (memdisk)/grub.cfg like:
search -f -s /grub.cfg configfile /grub.cfg
search looks for the file (-s) called (/grub.cfg) on all devices, and set a variable (-s) to the first one that carries that file. If no variable name is given, "root" is used, which is used as default device, so configfile /grub.cfg uses that.
the search command should probably be extended to be able to omit devices (eg. memdisk - no endless loop possible), and to find the second, third, ... device.
That sounds pretty cool. I like it :-)