Dear Kinky,
On 7/30/19 11:18 AM, Kinky Nekoboi wrote:
loading the microcode via Linux Kernel works.
including it via coreboot causes General Protection Faults.
See included bootlog.
We hit the same issue on our board, and reported it to the Linux kernel developers [1].
Unfortunately, we didn’t have more resources to pursue this further.
1. What is your configuration? How many processors, how much RAM?
2. So, loading it from GNU/Linux (initramfs) as Tom asked, seems to work. I guess it’s the same with the vendor firmware?
3. As Tom tested it on a similar custom AMD board (with supposedly microcode updates updated in the *vendor firmware*, and it worked for him, there might be something wrong with how microcode updates are applied in coreboot.
4. The user *sfs* in did not have the problems if I remember correctly.
Anyway, somebody with time and motivation would need to debug this. But it’d be great if you could check a few things and maybe chime in the LKML discussion.
Kind regards,
[1]: "General protection fault in `switch_mm_irqs_off()`"