a a schrieb:
also note that the board will not take> 256KByte chips because pin 1 (#reset on the 29F002BT A18 for>256KByte parts) of the plcc it wired to P34 (other end of P34 is wired to 12V) and it might even destroy other chips if P34 is placed !!
Uh! Thats evil.
hotflashing on this board is very hard because the powersupply is over the rom socket i made myself a extension cable from some compatible 14Pin molex minifit-jr connectors to allow access to the chip while the powersupply is nect to the box
where do I get the connectors? Do you have a Digi-key / other distri order#?
i think we should give flashrom a couple of special commands .. LOCK and UNLOCK (i used some letters but forgot them) to unlock this kind of chip locks
flashrom: Yes, It would be nice to rewrite flashrom accordingly because others (openbios.org) also like to use it. Lets make it a pretty cool tool also for upgrading normal pc-bios from remote with linux. I like the function-pointer arcutecture very much. So we could enhance it by adding a function-pointer for unprotect(*bios) and protect(*bios). Then an *universal* algorithm will call according to the commandline-params read(*bios) for backup, unprotect(), is_unprotected(), erase(), is_empty() [if not, try to write backup. verify()], write(), verify().
The function-pointers for write() read() and the like point to the implementation dependend on the detected flash. Also function calls within the write or erase have to use the function-fointers, so that by servicing the function-pointer table and the specialized routines, fine granular support for any flash can be writen. So the ST-Way of unprotecting can be used for all st devices of the family. So we save code and become very flexible. The Problem with the actual code is that some routines simply write some data out to issue jedec-erase instaed of calling the erase-method pointed to by the function-pointer erase().
So flashrom has to be rewritten accordingly (not so much effort) and tested by people having the flash-roms in their machines.
the original bios has a recovery option btw ... keek esc pressed powering up it will 'talk' to you over the keyboard leds / pc speaker ahd should be able to restore the bios from a diskette iirc
Thanks for the tip.
Have you ever thought of reverse-engineering the bios-flaser of compaq using a debugger (does the effort make sense?)
Do you have a service-manual? there are some more not assembled connectors. E.G. P115 between Super-IO and ATI-Graphics whicht seems to be interessting (maybe gpios of super io or I2C/SMBUS)...
Thanks for your tips.
a a wrote:
Hi all,
Ludwig Jaffe wrote:
Hi all,
i fiddled around with the flashrom util, and I managed to rewrite the original compaq-bios, which I saved before. I modified the flashrom-utily to enable writing the flashrom. The 29F002BT works with 29f002-funktions and *not* with jedec.... The only problem that remains, is that it is not possible to
the 20f002bt (ST). with the flashrom utily. So I can not upgrade the
I will go and code some improvement to that.
i worked with Uwe to create the support for the Compaq deskpro EN SFF 600N i have here
i needed 3 hardware mods:
- socket for the flash chip (with loads of luck you can skip this but
please let me test the current tree before you flash coreboot into your unit)
- set SW1 to ON to disable the write protection on the'normal' (non
bootblock ) part of the bios (if you dont do this the ASIC will disable ANY writes even probes to the flash iirc -if you have the original chip onboard: short (not installed) jumper
that is next to the flashpart (shorting this will temp. unlock the bootblock and allow (un)programming of the lockbits note that you
first protected the whole chip before unproetcting.
i also needed a couple of software hacks that are not yet in the tree: -disable some parts of the southbrigde (KBC ectect) so the superio can handle them -stuff some values to the ASIC so networking works (otherwise eth0 will not show on the pci bus) -i had some trouble with onboard audio but i dont remember the
details now
-i dont have onboard vga working yet and was planning on maybe using / writing free support for it so i dont need a vga bios
i dont have time today/tomorrow to look at it in more detail .. will do that later this week ...
greetings, todthgie
A suggestion regarding architecture:
We should add a function-pointer for protect and unprotect,
because this
is sometimes special. e.g. 29f002bt (st). We should provide an extra funktion to protect/unprotect the bios
to the
user, so that reweiting the eeprom will be read() -> save old unprotect() test_if_unprotected() if not die erase() test_if_empty() if not, try to rewrite saved_old! else die. write verify
So the methods protect/unprotect have to be seperate and not be
in erase or write functions. And they should be accessible via the punction-pointer-table.
My patch contains my little modifications and da doxygen file to ease understanding the code.
Please help me to improve the architecture of flashrom.
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