I've been working with a tagging system so that multiple payloads in firmware can be selected from serial at boot time.
The scheme adds a 16 byte tag block in front of each payload containing a $TAG$ signature, additional block count, a payload length (optional, may be 0), and a name string.
The idea is to search for tags in the ROM, present the name strings in a list and allow selection of a particular target. The stream is then positioned just past the tag and passed to elfboot.
changes: elfboot no longer calls stream->init(), it presumes that has been done already.
add stream methods: searchtags gettags loadtag
search tags performs the search and specifies the neded buffer size to hold the result.
gettags loads the tags into a provided buffer for presentation
loadtag positions the stream just after the selected tag index (0 based)
for backwards compatability: Where no tags are found, the stream is positioned at the beginning
where the stream->searchtags == NULL, presume the stream object doesn't support tags. Just call init and pass it to elfboot.
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G'day, sjames