Piotr Piwko wrote:
I've found that the booting process hangs on this part of cbfs_master_header() function (src/lib/cbfs.c):
... outb(0xa1, 0x80); // <------- It is printed
void *ptr = (void *)*((unsigned long *) CBFS_HEADPTR_ADDR); printk_spew("Check CBFS header at %p\n", ptr); header = (struct cbfs_header *) ptr;
outb(0xa2, 0x80); // <- It is NOT printed ...
I don't know exactly where I need to begin make changes ...
Do you see the printk message?
Could you also add outb() before and after the printk?
If it hangs on the printk call I guess it's a stack issue.
Did you already try the v3 support for adl/msm800sev?