I have just now managed to flash my X230 with ME truncated to 828 KiB. I used an older version of me_cleaner (commit d1abbca2). This is because the current version of me_cleaner (which truncates ME to 96 KiB) does not work for me (X230 won't boot).
The currently active modules in my ME are (listed with unhuffme): BUP CLS ClsPriv FTCS HOSTCOMM KERNEL POLICY ROMP RSA SESSMGR TDT UPDATE
Note that originally ME contained all this modules: admin_cm BOP BUP CLS ClsPriv CONF_STACK eac FTCS HOSTCOMM ICC JOM KERNEL krb LOCL_GER MPC NET_SERVICES NET_STACK NFC Pavp PLDM POLICY ROMP RSA sal secio SESSMGR TDT tls UPDATE utilities WCOD_PUMA wlan
So the remove modules are: admin_cm BUP CONF_STACK eac ICC JOM krb LOCL_GER MPC NET_SERVICES NET_STACK NFC Pavp PLDM sal secio tls utilities WCOD_PUMA wlan
I do not know what all can the modules that I left there do, but my e1000e is working.
The current layout of the flash is:
00000000:00000fff fd 000d2000:00bfffff bios 00003000:000d1fff me 00001000:00002fff gbe
This left me with 10.85 MiB for the payload.
I am attaching my current descriptor.bin and me.bin, if someone wants to try.