"Ronald G. Minnich" rminnich@lanl.gov writes:
One thing we should keep in mind for the shadow ram thing: Just about every chipset I have seen has shadow ram registers that can correctly be set with the following info:
VendorID, DeviceID, Function, register, AndMask, OrMask.
This rapidly leads to a simple table something like this:
struct shadowram{ int physaddress; u16 VendorID, DeviceID, Function; u8 register; u8 AndMask, OrMask};
struct shadowram s[] = { {0xf0000, 0xabcd, 0x1234, 0x15, 0x40, 0xf8, 0x1}, { etc.} {0,} };
I haven't stumbled across a chipset yet for which this would not work.
Except for the MediaGX/Geode which has this in the GX_BASE memory region which is not a pci configuration register. :-(