You can probably set the DCI enable bit in the PCH softstraps in the descriptor, no need to mess with the BIOS editing. It seems to be bit 17 in strap 0, right next to the HAP bit:
<LayoutEntry name="PchStrapDciEnabled" type="bitfield32" value="0x1" offset="0x0" bitfield_high="17" bitfield_low="17" /> <LayoutEntry name="reserve_hap" type="bitfield32" value="0x0" offset="0x0" bitfield_high="16" bitfield_low="16" />
(xml from the Intel Flash Image Tool).
Interesting. Where can I read about this xml definition of the softstrap. Which tool can I use to modify the PCH softstrap section? Do I need to Intel Flash Image Tool for that, and where can I download that one? I guess there are crcs and I cannot just poke around? I wonder weather DCI is left enabled when the BIOS start initializing and probably I also need a softstrap bit for the Debug Interface enable if I want to connect with DAL later? Why is this stuff so complicated?