-----Original Message----- From: Patrick Georgi [mailto:patrick@georgi-clan.de] Sent: Thursday, May 14, 2009 11:13 AM To: Myles Watson Cc: coreboot Subject: Re: [coreboot] [PATCH] Table code cleanup
Am 14.05.2009 18:46, schrieb Myles Watson:
On Thu, May 14, 2009 at 9:33 AM, Myles Watsonmylesgw@gmail.com wrote:
Sorry to be dense. Could we do this in terms of which tables we want
each place?
Page0 (low_table_start): COREBOOT TABLE
0xf0000 (rom_table): PIRQ MPTABLE (with floating table) ACPI bulk
0x7fff0000 (high_tables): PIRQ MPTABLE ACPI bulk
That was less than clear :)
In general, I agree with that table. The constraints are:
MPTABLE must be two complete copies (because of Linux)
ACPI must be one copy (because there needs to be a single address for
some objects) with two RSDPs (see below).
What about gdt? It ends up in two places now, but never in fseg. Why do we copy it to high_tables?
Thanks, Myles