+7: entries 24, mpc_length 158, mpe_length 0 Wrote the mp table end at: 000f0410 - 000f0568 +0: entries 0, mpc_length ffff, mpe_length 0 +1: entries ffff, mpc_length ffff, mpe_length ffff
Something else is writing here. I looked back in the log and found this :
Setting variable MTRR 3, base: 448MB, range: 32MB, type WB
It looks like you have 32MB of video memory, so the high tables have to be lower than 480 MB for it to work.
Can you try the attached patch? It's mostly the same debug, but it adds the code to fix the placement of the tables.
Signed-off-by: Myles Watson mylesgw@gmail.com
Thanks, Myles