Hello, all. There is amount of information that should be unique to each machine and is supplied by coreboot. Most common examples are: - mobo serial number - UUID - Internal mac.
While first 2 are not very important, the fact that currently on some boards all of them will share the same API is disturbing. For some machines like thinkpads this info is in some EEPROM and can be easily read (see my path on gerrit to do so) On other boards that info is stored in vendor flash and currently coreboot just uses some hardcoded string which is a problem. I think that this info should be stored in some text config file in CBFS. E.g:
Mainboard serial: 99887766 Mainboard UUID: acdea9c8-be5e-4799-a972-ead8dab8e5c0 Internal MAC: 00:11:22:33:44:55
The file would be added at compile time from info supplied by user or randomly-generated strings if user didn't supply it. In case of missing file coreboot should disable internal NIC if possible. Duplicate macs should never go into networks. It being a separate file allows it to be easly replaced without recompilation. Is everyone ok with such plan of action?