ADLO appears to choke on older harddrives.
We have a box of bunch of < 512 Meg harddrives that we use for systems where we want a little more space than a 8 or 32 Meg CF to develop on. I wanted to use one to boot a different Linux install than the one I'm booting now.
I tried about 6 or 7 different drives from different Mfgs and they all had a similar issue. ADLO would find the drive get a PCHS value and what sometimes looked like a resonable LCHS values. But the drive size would be 0 Meg. Then the int13 handler would barf about things being out of range. Usually 2 out of the 3 CHS values reported by int13 would be zero.
Perhpas a LBA problem? Is the current HD stuff only good for say like drives that can do LBA32? Anyone else ran into this?
This is mostly just a FYI for the archives as I'll just go cobble up another newer drive and move on.