Hello All,
I am trying to work on getting a PCI-E card working and came across an error that I am wondering if I need to worry about. Below shows that the VGA ROM is loading, but not the ROM from the PCI-E card (at the bottom). Both of these cards are in slots and not onboard. The PCI-E card is an Ethernet card. As the device is getting a bus and resources seemingly just fine, I would think that the ROM would have been found. My question is ... do all add-on cards need to load an expansion ROM or can they run just fine without it? The error in question is "Incorrect Expansion ROM Header Signature ffff".
FYI on devices:
00:01.0 is the PCI-PCI bridge
02:06.0 is the VGA card on the PCI-PCI bridge
00:02.0 is the PCI-E bridge
04:00.0 is the ethernet card on the PCI-E bridge
PCI: 00:01.0 1c <- [0x0000001000 - 0x0000001fff] bus 2 io
PCI: 00:01.0 20 <- [0x00fc000000 - 0x00fdffffff] bus 2 mem
PCI: 02:06.0 10 <- [0x00fc000000 - 0x00fcffffff] mem
PCI: 02:06.0 14 <- [0x0000001000 - 0x00000010ff] io
PCI: 02:06.0 30 <- [0x00fd000000 - 0x00fdffffff] rom
PCI: 00:02.0 1c <- [0x0000002000 - 0x0000002fff] bus 4 io
PCI: 00:02.0 20 <- [0x00fe000000 - 0x00fe0fffff] bus 4 mem
PCI: 04:00.0 10 <- [0x00fe020000 - 0x00fe023fff] mem
PCI: 04:00.0 18 <- [0x0000002000 - 0x00000020ff] io
PCI: 04:00.0 30 <- [0x00fe000000 - 0x00fe01ffff] rom
PCI: 00:01.0 bridge ctrl <- 000b
PCI: 00:01.0 cmd <- 147
PCI: 02:06.0 cmd <- 143
PCI: 00:02.0 bridge ctrl <- 0007
PCI: 00:02.0 cmd <- 547
PCI: 04:00.0 cmd <- 143
PCI: 02:06.0 init
rom address for PCI: 02:06.0 = fd000000
Class Code mismatch ROM 00000003, dev 00030000
copying VGA ROM Image from fd000000 to c0000, 8000 bytes
halt_sys: file /home/vanecp/design/freebios2-3/src/devices/emulator/x86emu/ops.c
, line 4400
PCI: 04:00.0 init
rom address for PCI: 04:00.0 = fe000000
Incorrect Expansion ROM Header Signature ffff
Devices initialized
Cheers, Peter Van Echaute