Am Di., 23. Okt. 2018 um 10:18 Uhr schrieb Sven Dreyer
I'd like to contribute the board status of my Alix 2C board, which runs great using coreboot.
Wonderful, welcome to the coreboot community! says that this is possible if you have an account at, but on that site, there is no "create account" button. Login with launchpad credentials works for the website, but when I run "./ -u", remote git (of course) doesn't accept my launchpad credentials.
After you're logged in with Gerrit, you can get git-compatible credentials at that you can then store in $HOME/.netrc for git to pick up.
Thank you for asking (instead of giving up). I think I wrote that text on board-status.html and for me it's obvious how gerrit credentials work - I'll try to improve the explanation of the process there.
Regards, Patrick