no, not at all. It's the target/bitworks/richard/ that determines normal/fallback or fallback-only configuration, and that in turn will drive how the thing gets built
Ok. I think I see now that I've looked a bit more closely.
So if I set the HAVE_FALLBACK to 0 then it will only build the fallback image but include everything that would have been in the normal image?
good point. The only reason I like seperate trees is that if things get too weird I like to rm -rf freebios cvs blah blah co freebios and not affect any of my targets. That's all.
Thats a good point as well. I usually find though that when things get flaky. I've always been under the hood working on things. So blowing away my tree would blow away any changes I've been working on.
Plus I can simulate what you are talking about by just checking out a clean copy into another directory and building that.