jf simon wrote:
Ronald G Minnich wrote:
jean-francois simon wrote:
Hi, Maybe there is a way to do without the emulation layer altogether: Since in our case we use PCI graphics, I can record all the PCI cycles made by the VGA BIOS to the graphic card on a BIOS based system (using a PCI analyser), put them into a listing, run a perl script on it and include them in the firmware of the non BIOS system....an redo the process whenever we need to use a different graphic which doesn't happen very often
we've had poor luck with that approach. Plus, even in graphics card of same model, memory programming can change quite a bit between cards. I am not sure this will work.
Thanks. I'll give it a quick try. If it works I'll let you know. -jfs
keep in mind that, if it works on one *instance* of a card from vendor X, it may fail on the same model card from vendor X, purchased on the same day, from the same store, on the same shelf.
PC hardware is wonderful.