lördag den 28 augusti 2010 klockan 13:16 skrev anders@jenbo.dk detta:
I did some initial code for this chip set (debug is working) but haven't played with it for a while.
Mvh Anders
This is good news, that some knowledge indeed has been gathered. I will begin reading the more or less relevant background material there is, so I would welcome any collaboration that might be offered.
Hälsningar, best regards,
Mats E A
----- Reply message ----- Fra: "Darmawan Salihun" darmawan.salihun@gmail.com Dato: lør., aug. 28, 2010 10:09 Emne: [coreboot] Chipset VIA Apollo Pro+? Til: "Mats Erik Andersson" mats.andersson@gisladisker.se Cc: coreboot@coreboot.org
I have the datasheet of this chipset. I'll send it to you later. I was one working with legacy BIOS on moatherboard with this chipset.
On 8/27/10, Mats Erik Andersson mats.andersson@gisladisker.se wrote:
is there now, or has there been, someone interested in the legacy chipset VIA Apollo Pro+? In the sense of investigating its use with Coreboot.
The northbridge is VIA VT82C693, and the southbridge is VIA VT82C596A on a mainboard from ECS:
PCI-bridge VT82C691, AGP-bridge VT82C598, ISA-bridge VT82C596A, IDE-interface VT82C571, USB-controller VT82C572, and Power-ctrl VT82C596.
A search for datasheets has given nothing but trivial information.