On Mon, 2002-10-28 at 17:14, David Xiong wrote:
Did you recalculate the checksum ??
Yes, the checksum has been recalculated.
Where did you get the idea to set the the table like this?
I do not know how the irqs routed. So I guess I can set the irq table. It is intresting that this way work on Elite K7SEM. So I take it for granted it will work on the new mother board. Am I wrong? Sorry for newbie questions like this.
Do you have any documentation about your bridge ?? How did you know if your bridge does not re-route IRQs in some other ways ??
I do not have any documentation. Can you tell me where can I start?
The way a PCI-PCI bridge should route the IRQs behind is defined in the PCI-PCI bridge spec. For you case, it IRQs are re-routed twice, one is by the bridge, the other is the southbridge IRQ router.