Could you turn on DEBUG_ALL of FILO and send the debug messages to me?
Here is the output: boot: hda1:/home/erdem/payload malloc_diag: alloc: 232 bytes (4 blocks), free: 16144 bytes (1 blocks) malloc_diag: alloc: 248 bytes (5 blocks), free: 16128 bytes (1 blocks) file_open: dev=hda1, path=/home/erdem/payload find_ide_controller: found PCI IDE controller 1106:0571 prog_if=0x8a find_ide_controller: primary channel: compatibility mode find_ide_controller: cmd_base=0x1f0 ctrl_base=0x3f4 ide_software_reset: Waiting for ide0 to become ready for reset... ok init_drive: Testing for hda init_drive: Probing for hda init_drive: LBA mode, sectors=6306048 hda: LBA 3153MB: QUANTUM FIREBALL ST3.2A init_drive: Testing for hdb init_drive: Probing for hdb print_status: IDE: status=0x0, err=0x0 init_drive: Testing for hdb init_drive: Probing for hdb print_status: IDE: status=0x0, err=0x0 devopen: Partition 1 start 63 length 5830209 Mounted ext2fs malloc_diag: alloc: 232 bytes (4 blocks), free: 16144 bytes (1 blocks) malloc_diag: alloc: 272 bytes (5 blocks), free: 16104 bytes (1 blocks) Loading image... load_segments: segment 0 addr:0x7c00 file:0x20400 mem:0x20400 loading... Can't 0 malloc_diag: alloc: 232 bytes (4 blocks), free: 16144 bytes (1 blocks) malloc_diag: alloc: 192 bytes (3 blocks), free: 16184 bytes (1 blocks)
===== Erdem G�ven erdemus
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