I have overflashed my machine and bought a second one to copy the BIOS onto the first one. Unfortunatelly, it does not work because of the serial numberization of the BIOS and hardware. Additionally, the mainboard has some damage, too. HP does not give any support, probably because they do not want to develop the issue; so I can see to install anything on the machine as of they do not respond. I can see as the only and best solution is using coreboot: it is public, no strictions, I can set the configuration of the boot process and I can participate in the development.
I am working on Raspbian and if the machines can boot I would like to run Debian as an operating system. I have litle experience but much time and effort to work on the project. I have downloaded coreboot and QEMU on my small machine and I plan to use flashrom to write an EEPROM on the Raspberry. My father and I installed the connector on the board, the eeprom and the small connector assembly will be in hand soon.
First question is that how I can download i965, i82801 libraries under the coreboot structure to see it in menuconfig as chipset?
Thank you in advance, reddragon