I'm fine using the git version which corresponds to a released tarball in the normal case, but for now (in order to get the fixes for gcc 4.2/4.3) I'd say we use the currently latest git.
This patch updates the legacybios version to 2.2 (the latest) and thus avoids git.
I just want to say - fear the git fetcher in buildrom. There be dragons.
This patch addresses most concerns not related to the loader. I hope that it will be rewritten soon. The payloads.adlo.diff patch is the same as the last. I'm including it for completeness.
I think that committing this into the repository is worth the 20K. It has already generated more discussion than ADLO has for a long time. The ease of using it with buildrom should speed testing and bug fixing.
Signed-off-by: Myles Watson mylesgw@gmail.com
Thanks, Myles