Daniel Toussaint wrote:
I have a board with an I852/ICH4 chipset (lspci output attached).
i am trying to get something up and running based on the digitallogic/adl855pc board.
During memory initialization , in northbridge/intel/i855pm/raminit.c the system hangs up in do_ram_command() when executing read32(dword) , where dword is 0x0000
Ram Enable 3 P:10 R:11 R:00000000
Is this a known problem ? Any tips ? If not, I will just keep on trying to find out what is wrong, but given my limited knowledge/experience with initialization of memory controllers, it may take me a long time.
it's a known problem. The fix is to get intel to talk to you about this chipset. Good luck, they're not friendly. Can you move to some other non-Intel chipset instead of the adl855pc?