I have built a firmware chooser as a standalone elf image. Currently, it only concerns itself with tagged ELF flash images, but there is no reason it can't be generalized. The idea is that multiple choices of payloads are pre-pended with a tag including a signature and an ascii description.
The chooser finds the tagged payloads and presents a list of descriptions for the user to select from.
Since I was doing that anyway, I put together a bare metal toolkit for building elf payloads for LinuxBIOS (and other). It is composed of many pieces of LinuxBIOS itself, bits of Etherboot, and a linker script.
The question: Although mostly composed OF LinuxBIOS, and certainly meant for LinuxBIOS, it is standalone.
Does any of this belong in the LinuxBIOS tree? (utils, contrib, other)?
G'day, sjames