Patrick Georgi wrote:
this is a follow up patch to my previous patch. While the previous one handled the boards with support for old-style failover, this one take care of the other boards (that "only" did normal/fallback)
+++ src/mainboard/kontron/kt690/romstage.c (working copy)
@@ -163,7 +113,15 @@ struct cpuid_result cpuid1; struct sys_info *sysinfo = (struct sys_info *)(CONFIG_DCACHE_RAM_BASE + CONFIG_DCACHE_RAM_SIZE - CONFIG_DCACHE_RAM_GLOBAL_VAR_SIZE);
if (!((cpu_init_detectedx) || (!boot_cpu()))) {
/* Nothing special needs to be done to find bus 0 */
/* Allow the HT devices to be found */
/* sb600_lpc_port80(); */
This is a recurring pattern with both sb600 and sb700. Is there a reason to duplicate that call in a comment or could the comment just be removed?
--- src/mainboard/amd/mahogany/cache_as_ram_auto.c (revision 5256)
-void real_main(unsigned long bist, unsigned long cpu_init_detectedx) -{
- static const u16 spd_addr[] = { DIMM0, 0, 0, 0, DIMM1, 0, 0, 0, };
- int needs_reset = 0;
- u32 bsp_apicid = 0;
- msr_t msr;
- struct cpuid_result cpuid1;
- struct sys_info *sysinfo = (struct sys_info *)(CONFIG_DCACHE_RAM_BASE + CONFIG_DCACHE_RAM_SIZE - CONFIG_DCACHE_RAM_GLOBAL_VAR_SIZE);
- if (bist == 0) {
bsp_apicid = init_cpus(cpu_init_detectedx, sysinfo);
- }
- enable_rs780_dev8();
- sb700_lpc_init();
- it8718f_enable_serial(0, CONFIG_TTYS0_BASE);
- uart_init();
- console_init();
- /* Halt if there was a built in self test failure */
- report_bist_failure(bist);
- printk_debug("bsp_apicid=0x%x\n", bsp_apicid);
- setup_mahogany_resource_map();
- setup_coherent_ht_domain();
- /* It is said that we should start core1 after all core0 launched */
- wait_all_core0_started();
- start_other_cores();
- wait_all_aps_started(bsp_apicid);
- ht_setup_chains_x(sysinfo);
- /* run _early_setup before soft-reset. */
- rs780_early_setup();
- sb700_early_setup();
-/* Check to see if processor is capable of changing FIDVID */
- /* otherwise it will throw a GP# when reading FIDVID_STATUS */
- cpuid1 = cpuid(0x80000007);
- if( (cpuid1.edx & 0x6) == 0x6 ) {
printk_debug("begin msr fid, vid: hi=0x%x, lo=0x%x\n", msr.hi, msr.lo);
enable_fid_change_on_sb(sysinfo->sbbusn, sysinfo->sbdn);
/* show final fid and vid */
printk_debug("end msr fid, vid: hi=0x%x, lo=0x%x\n", msr.hi, msr.lo);
- } else {
printk_debug("Changing FIDVID not supported\n");
- }
- needs_reset = optimize_link_coherent_ht();
- needs_reset |= optimize_link_incoherent_ht(sysinfo);
- rs780_htinit();
- printk_debug("needs_reset=0x%x\n", needs_reset);
- if (needs_reset) {
print_info("ht reset -\r\n");
- }
- allow_all_aps_stop(bsp_apicid);
- /* It's the time to set ctrl now; */
- printk_debug("sysinfo->nodes: %2x sysinfo->ctrl: %2x spd_addr: %2x\n",
sysinfo->nodes, sysinfo->ctrl, spd_addr);
- fill_mem_ctrl(sysinfo->nodes, sysinfo->ctrl, spd_addr);
- sdram_initialize(sysinfo->nodes, sysinfo->ctrl, sysinfo);
- rs780_before_pci_init();
- sb700_before_pci_init();
- post_cache_as_ram();
Where did this code go?