We're seeing an interesting problem here. 2.4.22 appears to want to rely
on ACPI tables for information on hyperthreading. Diffs seem to show that
the linux code that works directly with the hardware to work out
hyperthreading is gone.
What's happened now is that a dell box, without acpi bios support, will no
longer enable hyperthreading. Turn the ACPI support on, and, on the
occasions when 2.4.22 doesn't panic when coming up, it does find
hyperthreaded CPUs. To panic 2.4.22 while coming up, just hit random
keyboard characters while it is engaged in working out hyperthreading. It
dies or, sometimes, locks up.
This seems like a counterproductive change to me, as it moves Linux more
in the direction of depending on factory BIOSes which may, at times, be
Has anyone else looked at 2.4.22, and can they confirm or disprove what we
think we're seeing?