I am a complete newb, though I want nothing more than to be able to program at a bare metal level and help develop for this platform. How do I get started?
I am sure there is likely many emails like this, and I have truly done my best hunting for information. I have a small understanding of assembly, and have tried reading TRMs to no avail. Is there any texts anyone could recommend to get me started?
I would truly be ever so grateful for any advice.
Hi Luke!
Is there any texts anyone could recommend to get me started?
Not sure what you're looking for exactly, but for general information on the topic [1] might be a good place to start looking. If you're mostly interested about x86 and PCI stuff, have a look at [2] and [3]. Hope that this will be useful for you.
Regards Felix
[1] https://wiki.osdev.org/ [2] https://resources.infosecinstitute.com/system-address-map-initialization-in-... [3] https://resources.infosecinstitute.com/system-address-map-initialization-x86...