I am trying vanilla coreboot/SeaBios on an pc-engines apu1d4 : http://www.pcengines.ch/apu1d4.htm
The board natively use a modified version of coreboot, the sources are available at http://www.pcengines.ch/howto.php#CoreBoot (coreboot_14090 8.tar.gz)
I use a usb-SR232 adapter to connect on the board. I use minicom and picocom. Both are working fine.
When I use coreboot vanilla (master) with SeaBios vanilla (master, I also tried 1.7.5), when I get to "Press ESC for boot menu" I can't send keystroke to SeaBios through the serial console. I have to plug an USB keyboard and press ESC on it.
I tried scancode (F10, F12, Q (0x10)) same problem. I disabled hardware and software flow control on minicom.
In fact, SeaBios doesn't get ANY keystroke from the serial port. I can press any keyboard key in minicom/picocom the message "Press ESC for boot menu." stay until timeout (DEFAULT_BOOTMENU_WAIT) (I set etc/boot-menu-wait to 90000 to verify that… so I am pretty sure of it).
Furthermore, after I enter the boot menu via usb keyboard I can't choose anything from the menu through minicom/picocom. I have to use an USB keyboard.
When I get in the OS (tinycore Linux), minicom/picocom input works.
I don't have the problem with the modified coreboot/SeaBios from PC -Engines.
At first I thought it's a SeaBios problem but the keystroke code part (src/boot.c) are the same in vanilla SeaBios and PC-Engines SeaBios.
PC-Engines sources don't have .config files (nor for coreboot neither for SeaBios) but have build/config.h and out/autoconf.h. I tried to look for some interesting difference between vanilla and PC -Engines sources for those file but my coreboot/SeaBios knowledge weren't enough to spot anything.
Can anyone help me ?
Since I don't know if the problem relies on coreboot or SeaBios I post this on both mailing-list.
I attached to this mail : * my .config coreboot file * my build/config.h coreboot file * my payloads/external/SeaBIOS/seabios/out/autoconf.h SeaBios file * PC-Engines build/config.h * PC-Engines SeaBios autoconf.h