On Saturday 12 February 2005 11:18, you wrote:
- Ronald G. Minnich rminnich@lanl.gov [050212 00:27]:
May I recommend having a wiki?
I'll see what stefan thinks.
A rather thought about closing dowd the existing linuxbioswiki http://openbios.org/linuxbioswiki since it was never used.
Err.. I didn't know this existed. I didn't find any links to this wiki off of the LinuxBIOS pages.
Assuming that's not atypical, that might explain why its never used....
Maybe people did not feel well with "moinmoin wiki" but would rather prefer Plone or another system.
I've used PHPWiki (mainly because it has "php" in the title ;) and it was the first one I tried. From a casual glance, there doesn't look to be anything wrong with moinmoin: it does things slightly differently to PHP but the learning curve looks to be a pretty simple one.
Whatever people prefer, we can do it. Static pages seem more robust in _my_ opinion, but I am for sure no hero when it comes down to updating web _content_ regularly ;)
I agree that static pages are generally more "robust", but the problem is one needs to make pages easy to edit (kind of anti-robust, although not the same). Otherwise the information on the page starts to rot.
Currently, there's *lots* of badly formatted (or at least badly copy-and-pasted) information on the pages, broken links, ... in LinuxBIOS. The FAQ suffers quite badly from this.
No matter what, the solution in the end should suit the people who feed the web pages with new information.
The OpenBIOS web site is kept in an arch repository (could be any other versioning system) and can be updated on checkin to the repository.
Have a look at http://www.openbios.org/cgi-bin/viewarch.cgi/stepan@openbios.org--d evel/openbios--website--1.0--patch-27/ to get an idea how the web page content is stored.
Fair enough; but who has commit access to the repository? How difficult is it (or how much time does it take) to get write access to the web pages?
I'm particularly looking at the LinuxBIOS pages, rather than the OpenBIOS ones, as the OpenBIOS pages seem to be well formated, edited and contain useful information.
For LinuxBIOS, one model you might like to consider is to have two tiers (or types) of information: officially sanctioned web pages (a la arch, cvs or whatever), and a more liberal access-policy wiki-like scribble area.