Daniel Kulesz via coreboot wrote:
I've read about the "discussion over beers or another prefered beverage" at FOSDEM 2018 a couple of days ago here on this list. Since I definitely plan to attend FOSDEM this year again (I got my talk in the testing and automation devroom accepted), I was wondering what the requirements for joining this bevereage round are and if there are already any concrete plans for that.
Umm, no... I said the "discussion .." thing without specifics, not having anything concrete whatsoever in mind, only refering to some hypothetical gettogether in the future. Then Florentin said he would like such a discussion during FOSDEM.
Timothy already summed everything up pretty well, but I'll go to the beer event at Delirium on Friday evening before FOSDEM and am happy to have a chat. Be prepared - Delirium gets real busy.