here it is, working code for the MSI MS-7260 (K9N Neo). It's almost fully supported, a full Linux boot works, USB works, IDE works, onboard audio works, onboard ethernet works.
There are some issues with PCI addon cards (same as with M57SLI I guess, see other thread). Probably for the same reason VGA is not yet working. There are some bad keyboard messages in the logs, but I couldn't test whether the keyboard actually works or not (yet).
More detailed status reports etc. will be in the build tutorial I'll write up for the wiki.
Other than that this is a very nice new target, a relatively cheap, modern K8+MCP55 board, with _socketed_ PLCC chip! (well, at least in Rev. 1.0 which I have; I don't know anything about other revisions)
Interestingly, with the factory BIOS flashrom doesn't work on this board, but it works flawlessly when booted with LinuxBIOS :) I'll investigate further when I find some time.
LinuxBIOS and vendor BIOS boot logs attached.