The following is the diff for a change I made. I think the HAVE_PIRQ_TABLE is always defined and this allowed me to turn off the existence of a routing table.
RCS file: /cvsroot/freebios/freebios2/src/arch/i386/include/arch/pirq_routing.h,v retrieving revision 1.1 diff -r1.1 pirq_routing.h 42c42,43 < #if defined(DEBUG) && defined(HAVE_PIRQ_TABLE) ---
//#if defined(DEBUG) && defined(HAVE_PIRQ_TABLE) #if defined(DEBUG) && HAVE_PIRQ_TABLE // JORDAN: This needs to
be dependent on value, not existence. 48c49,50 < #if defined(HAVE_PIRQ_TABLE) ---
//#if defined(HAVE_PIRQ_TABLE) #if HAVE_PIRQ_TABLE // JORDAN: This needs to be dependent on
value, not Index: romcc_io.h ===================================================================