I'll be busy with christmas or travelling until January, so I can't spend much time on this now. Sorry. Please remind me in January.
On Thu, Dec 20, 2018 at 11:56:17AM +0800, 王翔 wrote:
I tried to adapt coreboot to HiFive-Unleashed and boot bbl with coreboot and run linux. My changes are as follows: https://github.com/hardenedlinux/coreboot-HiFiveUnleashed/tree/HiFive-Unleas...
My code can run bbl, but it doesn't respond when bbl exits m-mode and enters linux.
I use freedom-u-sdk to compile bbl. In order not to conflict with the coreboot memory address, execute the following command. riscv64-elf-objcopy --change-addresses 0x200000 work/riscv-pk/bbl ../coreboot/payload.elf
I don't know what I missed, what should I do, I hope to get your help.
You could try to change the base address in bbl/bbl.lds. This might help, if for example bbl finds _payload_start with a LUI instruction rather than a AUIPC instruction.
Does bbl print its logo (the RV banner)?