I'm working with a two dual core Opteron (2218HE) motherboard using a new and currently unsupported chipset from Broadcom. During the early startup I'm seeing the messages I've included below. I know I have problems in my Config.lb for the board which is causing the complaint about static devices at the end but my question is regarding the section containing the fidvid timeout messages. Can someone help me out by providing a clue for what I can do to correct the problem?
LinuxBIOS-2.0.0._xxxx_Fallback OBJ-XXXX-XX Tue Nov 20 14:32:28 PST 2007 starting... (0,1) link=01 (1,0) link=01 02 nodes initialized. core0 started: 01 01 02 03SBLink=00 NC node|link=00 SMBus controller enabled
INIT detected from ---- {APICID = 00 NODEID = 00 COREID = 00} ---
Issuing SOFT_RESET... (0,1) link=01 (1,0) link=03 02 nodes initialized. core0 started: 01 *01*00000001 *02*00000001 *03*00000001 SBLink=00 NC node|link=00 SMBus controller enabled begin msr fid, vid 310a12120a120202 fidvid_bsp_stage1: time out while reading from ap 02 set fid failed for apicid =00 fidvid_bsp_stage2: time out while reading from ap 02 end msr fid, vid 310a120a0a120202 ht reset -
Ram1.00 Ram1.01 Ram2.00 Registered 333Mhz Interleaved RAM: 0x00400000 KB Ram2.01 Registered 333Mhz Interleaved RAM: 0x00800000 KB Ram3 Initializing memory: done Initializing memory: done RAM: 0x00900000 KB Setting variable MTRR 02, base: 0000MB, range: 0800MB, type WB Setting variable MTRR 03, base: 0800MB, range: 0400MB, type WB DQS Training:RcvrEn:Pass1: 00 CTLRMaxDelay=78 done DQS Training:RcvrEn:Pass1: 01 CTLRMaxDelay=12 done DQS Training:DQSPos: 00 done DQS Training:DQSPos: 01 done DQS Training:RcvrEn:Pass2: 00 CTLRMaxDelay=7a done DQS Training:RcvrEn:Pass2: 01 CTLRMaxDelay=42 done DQS Training:tsc[00]=000000094c3914a3 DQS Training:tsc[01]=000000095401de5f DQS Training:tsc[02]=00000009540661c3 DQS Training:tsc[03]=0000000a4dae27f1 DQS Training:tsc[04]=0000000a57232364 mem_trained[00]=01 mem_trained[01]=01 Ram4 v_esp=000cefc8 testx = 5a5a5a5a Copying data from cache to ram -- switching to use ram as stack... Done testx = 5a5a5a5a Disabling cache as ram now Clearing initial memory region: Done Copying LinuxBIOS to ram. src=fffe8000 dst=00004000 linxbios_ram.nrv2b length = 000088d9 linxbios_ram.bin length = 000178cc Jumping to LinuxBIOS. LinuxBIOS-2.0.0._apollo_Fallback Tue Nov 20 14:32:28 PST 2007 booting... Enumerating buses... APIC_CLUSTER: 0 enabled PCI_DOMAIN: 0000 enabled PCI: 00:18.3 siblings=1 CPU: APIC: 00 enabled CPU: APIC: 01 enabled PCI: 00:19.0 [1022/1100] enabled PCI: 00:19.1 [1022/1101] enabled PCI: 00:19.2 [1022/1102] enabled PCI: 00:19.3 [1022/1103] enabled PCI: 00:19.3 siblings=1 CPU: APIC: 02 enabled CPU: APIC: 03 enabled PCI: pci_scan_bus for bus 00 PCI: 00:18.0 [1022/1100] enabled PCI: 00:18.1 [1022/1101] enabled PCI: 00:18.2 [1022/1102] enabled PCI: 00:18.3 [1022/1103] enabled PCI: 00:19.0 [1022/1100] enabled PCI: 00:19.1 [1022/1101] enabled PCI: 00:19.2 [1022/1102] enabled PCI: 00:19.3 [1022/1103] enabled PCI: 00:00.0 [1166/0140] enabled PCI: 00:10.0 [1166/0140] enabled next_unitid: 0015 PCI: 00:00.0 [1166/0031] enabled PCI: 00:15.0 [1166/0031] enabled next_unitid: 001d PCI: 00:02.0 PCI: 00:02.1 PCI: 00:02.2 PCI: 00:04.0 HT: Left over static devices. Check your Config.lb PCI: pci_scan_bus for bus 00 PCI: 00:01.0 [1166/0031] enabled PCI: 00:02.0 subbordinate bus PCI-X PCI: 00:02.0 [1166/0406] enabled PCI: 00:02.1 [1166/0429] enabled Disabling static device: PCI: 00:02.2 PCI: 00:03.0 subbordinate bus PCI-X PCI: 00:03.0 [1166/0406] enabled PCI: 00:03.1 [1166/0429] enabled PCI: 00:04.0 subbordinate bus PCI Express PCI: 00:04.0 [1166/0420] enabled PCI: 00:04.1 [1166/042a] enabled PCI: 00:05.0 subbordinate bus PCI Express PCI: 00:05.0 [1166/0422] enabled PCI: 00:05.1 [1166/042a] enabled PCI: 00:07.0 [1166/0408] enabled PCI: 00:07.1 [1166/0215] enabled PCI: 00:07.2 [1166/040a] enabled Disabling static device: PCI: 00:07.3 PCI: 00:07.4 [1166/040e] enabled PCI: 00:07.5 [1166/040e] enabled PCI: 00:07.6 [1166/040e] enabled PCI: 00:0f.0 [1002/515e] enabled PCI: 00:10.0 [1166/0140] enabled PCI: 00:11.0 subbordinate bus PCI Express PCI: 00:11.0 [1166/0142] disabled PCI: 00:12.0 subbordinate bus PCI Express PCI: 00:12.0 [1166/0144] enabled PCI: 00:13.0 subbordinate bus PCI Express PCI: 00:13.0 [1166/0142] disabled PCI: 00:14.0 subbordinate bus PCI Express PCI: 00:14.0 [1166/0144] disabled PCI: 00:01.1 PCI: 00:02.0 PCI: 00:02.1 PCI: 00:04.0 PCI: Left over static devices. Check your Config.lb